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Why Yogi-Retreats?

Our mission is to produce retreats that invoke complete luxury. We hand select extravagant locations in the world to maximize our consciousness on a global level. We provide exclusive accommodations, regional cuisine, unforgettable excursions with a private guide, while offering daily guided meditations and yoga for all levels. These retreats will create a sense of adventure, wellness, and personal growth, changing one life at a time.

Our intention is to combine travel, yoga, and mediation to provide a journey within, inspiring people’s curiosity about life and themselves; in turn, curiosity about the beautiful world in which we live.

Our goal is to open horizons, literally and figuratively speaking, by trusting us to guide and share this journey with you, as we travel to so many exciting locations. Through our carefully planned itineraries, we will invoke personal growth, creativity and connection to source. We are all connected on this incredible journey of life.

We want each and every individual to know that we put the utmost passion, thorough research, and love into each of these retreats, and we are so incredibly excited to share the journey with each and every one of you.

With Love,

Kim and Nikki

Founders of The Yogi Retreats